Miramichi Forest Carbon Projects

RainCloud Forests has developed and manages six world class forest carbon projects on 16,500 ha of private forestlands surrounding Miramichi, NB, Canada.

This collective of innovative and leading edge forest carbon projects change how forests are managed in Atlantic Canada and beyond. Over the next 30+ years, the projects will: 

  1. Remove and sequester significantly more carbon
  2. Accelerate the restoration of ecological characteristics of rare Acadian Forests
  3. Produce sustainable volumes of high value large logs 
  4. Support local economies

Verified Carbon Units

The projects are certifying under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the worlds largest carbon offset certification program. Each project issues serialized and fully traceable Verified Carbon Units on the Verra Registry.

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Carbon Removals

The project create a high proportion of new and additional atmospheric carbon removals each year. This provides the opportunity for offset buyers to not only offset their remaining emissions, but in fact to remove their current or historical emissions from the atmosphere.

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Acadian Forest Restoration

The projects actively manage to accelerate the  restoration of key ecological characteristics of  the Acadian Forest through maintaining a continuous canopy, redeveloping forest structure, and restoring a diversified mix of shade  tolerant hardwood and confer species. 

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The 5,500 hectare Kluthe Sustainability Management  project is designed to support the unavoidable global emissions of the parent company, while restoring the Acadian Forest ecosystem.


The Acadian Forest project is led by ER Capital, with the key objective of offsetting the avoidable emissions of the ER Capital group and related portfolio companies around the world.


The Citizen Forest project is designed to follow the principles of a “Dauerwald” or Permanent Forest, which protects and enhances biodiversity, carbon sequestration and other ecological values within a working timberland.

Miramichi timberlands forest carbon project

The Miramichi Timberlands project is owned by an investment group with the objective of piloting innovative forestry methods that optimize the financial and ecological returns from timberland in the Acadian Forest and beyond. 

Lamaja forest carbon project

The Lamaja project is a family-owned venture that looks at building long term, generational  asset value, while supporting the climate and ecological restoration of coastal forests.

Deeg forest carbon project

The Deeg project is a family-owned venture that looks to build long term asset value within an ecological framework that creates both climate and timber benefits over the long run. 


Questions? Contact RainCloud Forests: 

